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[re]discover joy@work


Our Signature 6-month program lays the foundation with your individualized Joy @ Work Leadership Roadmap, and helps you transform in the leadership areas that are most valuable and fulfilling to you. 


Available for both Individuals and Teams (customizable upon your needs):

Individuals: Twelve 60-min individual 1:1 executive coaching sessions

Teams: Six half-day group workshops and Six 60-min 1:1 executive coaching sessions for each participant.  Minimum 5 participants per group.


1. Discover

  • Hold a complimentary 45-min discovery call to understand what you are looking for, and what success means to you

2. Assess

  • Perform individual assessment (ProfileXT), and where appropriate/applicable, a 360 assessment (Leadership 360)

3. Design

  • Discuss your awareness, blind-spots, and insights from the assessment

  • Identify areas that are important to you to significantly impact your leadership and your work

  • Using these insights, create your personalized Joy @ Work Leadership Dashboard and Roadmap, so you gain clarity in your direction and next steps

4. Develop & Shine

  • This is the heart of the whole process - with proven techniques on becoming a more effective leader, you will be developing your ideas, putting them in practice, learning, and adjusting them.  

  • This is an iterative process that continuously drive towards your leadership goals


You will come away with:

  • Renewed inspiration

  • Clarity in vision

  • Confidence in direction

  • Greater fulfillment, less stress, and more joy @ work!

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Our Kickstart program is designed to do exactly that.  It gets you going with greater self awareness, and points you in the right direction with a solid roadmap - in just 30 days.

We will:

  • Hold a complimentary 45-min discovery call to understand what you are looking for, and what success means to you

  • Perform an individual assessment 

  • Hold two 60-min 1:1 Individual Executive Coaching Sessions:

    • Discuss your awareness, blind-spots, and insights from the assessment

    • Identify areas that are important to you to significantly impact your leadership and your work

    • Using these insights, create a Leadership Dashboard and Roadmap, so you gain clarity in your direction and next steps


You will come away with:

  • Clarity

  • Confidence

  • Motivation

  • A personalized Roadmap to your next level of success and more joy @ work!

Working Together


Open to clients who have completed Kickstart or Transform programs.


We are committed to your success journey.  Thrive is a renewable 6-month program where we work with you to keep your Joy @ Work Leadership Roadmap alive and a continuing reality.


Available for both Individuals and Teams (customizable upon your needs):

Individuals: Twelve 60-min individual 1:1 executive coaching sessions

Teams: Three half-day group workshops and Six 60min 1:1 executive coaching sessions for every participant.  Minimum 5 participants per group.


1. Design & Re-Design

  • Start with your individual assessments and personalized Joy @ Work Leadership Dashboard and Roadmap (from Kickstart orTransform programs)

  • Discuss additional insights from your assessment

  • Identify areas that are important to you to significantly impact your leadership and your work

  • Using these insights, adjust your personalized Joy @ Work Leadership Dashboard and Roadmap, so you gain clarity in your direction and next steps

2. Develop & Shine

  • This is the heart of the whole process - with proven techniques on becoming a more effective leader, you will be developing your ideas, putting them in practice, learning, and adjusting them.  

  • This is an iterative process that continuously drive us towards your leadership goals


You will come away with:

  • Motivation to keep making positive changes

  • Confidence in your ability to keep driving towards your goals

  • And continued support on your Joy @ Work Leadership journey

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